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Portal de formación online

Capacitación sobre CSDSIP a través del portal de soluciones vectoriales
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Recursos de CSDSIP a su alcance

¡Bienvenido al paquete de capacitación en línea de CSDSIP! 

Seleccione el nombre de su escuela, distrito o BOCES a continuación para acceder a su portal de miembros exclusivo. ¿Aún necesitas registrarte? Envíe un correo electrónico a Vector Solutions e identifíquese como miembro de CSDSIP para comenzar. 

¿Por qué debería unirme?

Además del paquete de capacitación en línea existente de CSDSIP, los miembros que se unan a la plataforma tendrán acceso a:

22 cursos de prevención del abuso sexual infantil
4 cursos de prevención del acoso sexual
Distribución de entrenamiento simple
Herramientas de análisis robustas y seguimiento del progreso
Soporte técnico experto

¡No olvide identificar a su organización como miembro del CSDSIP! 

Seleccione su escuela, distrito o BOCES
Haga clic en el icono "Ir a la formación" para acceder al portal de soluciones vectoriales

Meber List

Descripciones de formación

Taking an Exam

Common Commercial Roofing Systems

Property losses involving commercial roof systems continue to be a perennial cause of loss for CSDSIP Members. Our new 4-part series on common commercial roofing systems can give your team the information and insight they need to make loss-avoidant decisions regarding your roof. Each video presents useful information and industry best-practices in an easy-to-understand format. The series walks you through the anatomy of a roof, early warning signs & best practices, common roof losses, and how to properly inspect, prepare, and repair your roof.

Taking an Exam

Vector Solutions Training Platform Orientation

Missed the introduction to CSDSIP's new training platform? Need a refresher on next steps? Check out the recorded session here!

Taking an Exam

Mandatory Reporting

All school employees are mandatory reporters of child abuse or neglect. However, knowing when and how to report can be more difficult than it seems. CSDSIP’s Mandatory Reporting online training module will cover not only why it’s important to report, but also how to report, the 4 types of abuse, and signs of each. Ultimately, this training is designed to help your team understand how to help keep your students safe, something we all agree is important!

Taking an Exam

Adult Sexual Misconduct

Our Adult Sexual Misconduct Training will provide school personnel with tools to develop guidelines to identify and prevent misconduct in a school environment. This training will also delineate steps to take should misconduct impact your organization, which can help rebuild community trust and improve long term outcomes. .

Taking an Exam

Claire Davis School Safety Act

We developed this training to address Member concerns regarding SB-213 and how this change to Colorado Law impacts you. Our Claire Davis School Safety Act Training covers how SB-213 impacted the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act and what steps Members can take to keep their students and staff safe. This training was also included in our online training redesign pilot to assess whether streamlining content can improve learning outcomes and user experience.

Taking an Exam

Defensive Driving

Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool (CSDSIP) has created a defensive driving training video designed to introduce personnel to accident prevention tips. Participants will be introduced to five defensive driving techniques and strategies to manage risks on the road

Taking an Exam

Cyber Deception & Data Protection

Every day from the workplace to the school, reliance on internet accessibility increases. Any school with electronic records is open to cyber breaches. School staff is the first line of defense on the preventing cyber-attacks. This training is designed to help prepare school staff to be aware and respond to the growing cyber threats.

Taking an Exam

Playground Safety Series

The Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool (CSDSIP) has developed a four part “Playground Safety Series” to aid school personnel in providing a safe environment for students and users while on the playground.

Taking an Exam

Mold Awareness Training

It’s hard to believe that us Coloradans need to worry about mold, as it’s often deemed to be a wet-climate issue, but arid climates like ours still experience pipe breaks, flooding, snow and ice accumulation, and other mold-causing hazards. Molds rapid-spreading abilities can cause seemingly small problems to escalate, amplifying repair costs over time. Catching and addressing mold problems early on will result in substantial savings to our Members in both time and project cost. Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool created this two-part training video in conjunction with AXA, XL Insurance and Bureau Veritas to help our Members understand how to prevent and manage mold issues in their environments, which can lead to tremendous cost-savings.

Training Descriptions

Descargo de responsabilidad

Toda la información proporcionada en nuestro (s) sitio (s) se proporciona solo con fines informativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal o un contrato entre CSDSIP y cualquier persona o entidad a menos que se especifique lo contrario. La información de nuestro sitio está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. Aunque se hacen todos los esfuerzos razonables para presentar información actualizada y precisa, CSDSIP no ofrece garantías de ningún tipo.


El sitio web de CSDSIP puede contener información creada y mantenida por una variedad de fuentes tanto internas como externas a CSDSIP. Estos sitios pueden contener foros no moderados que contienen opiniones personales y otras expresiones de las personas que publican las entradas. CSDSIP no controla, monitorea ni garantiza la información contenida en estos sitios o la información contenida en enlaces a otros sitios web externos, y no respalda ninguna de las opiniones expresadas o productos o servicios ofrecidos en los mismos. En ningún caso el CSDSIP será responsable, directa o indirectamente, por cualquier daño o pérdida causados o supuestamente causados por o en conexión con el uso o la dependencia de dicho contenido, bienes o servicios disponibles en oa través de dichos sitio o recurso.

CSDSIP full logo. The acronym CSDSIP and the words Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool

6857 South Spruce Street, Centennial, CO 80112   I   1-800-332-3556   I   (303) 722-2600   I   Fax (303) 722-7888  Yo carreras 

© 2021 por CSDSIP

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