School Bus Slide
Tabletop Exercise #2

School Bus Slide
Tabletop Exercise #2
School Bus slid into SUV. What do you do?
When: February at 3:30 PM
Where: One block from the High School
At approximately 3:30 PM, a 72-passenger school bus with 15 students on board was coming around a bend in the road. The road was icy due to a snowstorm the day before. As the bus rounded the corner an SUV pulled out in front of the bus. The bus driver stepped on the brakes but due to the icy conditions slid into the rear of the SUV causing visual body damage. Some students on the bus were unseated upon impact.
What was the response?
The bus driver immediately notified dispatch of the incident. The bus driver then notified law enforcement and EMS. Students who were not injured on the bus began to depart the bus to wait for pickup. The injured students were told to remain on the bus until EMS arrived. The driver made note of the students that were injured. The transportation director arrived on-site and called another bus to the site to transport the uninjured students. The injured students were transported by EMS to a local hospital. The school was provided a list of the students on board and office staff began notifying parents.
The bus driver then took photos of the damage to the bus, the other vehicle, and the accident scene. The bus driver also obtained the name/address/contact information of the other vehicle’s driver.
It took three total hours to clean up the accident in its entirety. The transportation director sent the driver for drug and alcohol testing in accordance with law and district policy EEAEAA-R. Once the transportation director received the police report, a claim was submitted to district’s insurance company three days later.
Preguntas de pensamiento crítico
1. What current emergency plans would be activated if this occurred at your district?
2. Was the response adequate to the magnitude of the incident?
3. Are there District and CDE Transportation guidelines that should be followed?
4. Was everyone notified in the correct order?
5. Would you have involved anyone else?
6. What would you have done differently?
7. What lessons can be learned from this scenario?
Transportation staff on occasion will have to make quick but meaningful decisions in a crisis situation. Having an effective plan in place can drastically change the outcome of a situation. Please reach out to CSDSIP to talk through this tabletop exercise or to answer any questions that may arise out of the completing this exercise.
Join us next time for another tabletop exercise.